Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You Mindset Really Matters

Here is some good advice from Debbie Rocker who wrote Training for Life and also developed the weighted life vest.

Are you sticking to your fitness plan – or should I ask?
If you are – bravo; if not, let’s do something about it.

You need some glue, something that will make you feel committed, convinced, stuck on the idea that whatever you have chosen to accomplish in 2008 will make you not only look good, but feel better inside as well.

Here are some adhesive suggestions:

1. Write a list of pros and cons. Is the intended result really worth the work or sacrifice?

2. Edit or keep your goal/resolution.

3. Make changes in your methodology. Maybe you gave yourself a goal date that’s unreasonable, or your expectations for what you could actually do to achieve that goal were too high. Amend your plan. Make it so reasonable that it seems like it’ll be a cakewalk – then, doing more is icing on the cake.

4. Enlist a friend to do it with you – optional, but very effective.

5. Just focus on the task at hand for the day at hand. Don’t think about next week, next month, what will happen if work gets busier or the kids get sick, just stay in your plan for today.

Projection is the surest way to sabotage. Stay in the moment, stay in the day, do just what is right in front of you and everything will get done.

Hope 2008 starts to feel great, if it doesn’t already.

Peace and Happy Trails -
Debbie Rocker
2007 . All Rights Reserved.

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